$7,495 CASH OR $495 DOWN & $465 MONTH FOR 18 MONTHS.
GPS: 34.73806645160939, -92.32492734169803
APN: 34L1180003700
Property Type: Vacant Land
Property For: Cash OR Terms
Lot Size (Sq. Ft.) 7,093 Sq Ft.
Acres: 0.162
Estimated Annual Tax: $50
County: Pulaski
Access: Road
Conveyance: Limited Warranty Deed OR Title Insurance Optional (See Terms & Conditions)
Zoning: Residential
Power: Confirm with Utility Company
Water: Confirm with Utility Company
Sewer: Confirm with Utility Company
Terrain: Flat
Time Limit to Build: None
Terms and Conditions: Land Contract will be emailed to Buyer for review, Upon Review, Sign with signature app provided in email. A payment schedule spreadsheet will be emailed to you. Once land is paid off, Deed will be issued, Notarized, and sent Certified mail to buyer to record with the county. It is the Buyers responsibility to record at the county clerk/assessor office either by mail or in person OR our office can record and do the paperwork necessary to transfer into your name for $149 Document Processing Charge. (THIS IS OPTIONAL TO ALL BUYERS) Down payment and monthly payment can be made a number of different ways. We accept: PayPal, CashApp, Venmo, Credit/Debit cards via Invoice, Bank Wire, Money Order/Cashiers Check, Walmart2Walmart, Western Union & 20% Discount via Cryptocurrency. Any questions feel free to ask.